European Technical Approval - ETA (DIT)

DIT - Domumento Ideonidad TécnicaThe ETA (Dit in Spanish) is an approval document issued

bythe Science of Construction Institute Eduardo Torroja (IETcc)

that contains a technical approval of a certain innovative or non

traditional element, material, constructive system or procedure used for building or civil constructions.

Only the IETcc is able to issue the ETA or DIT according to the Decree 3652 of December 26 of 1986 and Ministerial Order of December 23 of 1988.

A Committee of Experts formed by representatives of Official Organisms, Investigation Bureaus, Professional Associations, Manufacturer Associations, Construction Companies Associations and Quality Control Entities, work
together with the personnel of the IETcc to award with the ETA a product or system.

The ETA is valid for all the countries in Europe (UEAtc).

You can check the documents in force in:
Unidades de Apoyo y Servicios - Calidad de la Construcción
Unidades de Apoyo y Servicios - Calidad de la Construcción - CUMEVA

Click to download Cumeva Structural System ETA nº438R Imagen fichero pfd